Don't be busy, be productive.

The ultimate analytics platform for companies that want to reduce unnecessary meetings, boost productivity and cut costs.

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Why Meeting Minutes

We empower companies to gain unparalleled visibility into the time invested in meetings and the associated costs. With no comparable solution on the market, our platform enables you to make data-driven decisions and optimize resource allocation.


Accurate Meeting Time Tracking

Effortlessly track the number of hours spent on internal meetings and get a clear picture of time allocation within your organization.

Cost Analysis

Calculate the financial burden associated with meetings, and identify cost-saving opportunities.

Flexible Filtering Options

Easily filter meeting data by entities, departments, teams, and individuals, allowing for targeted analysis and insights at various levels of your organization.

Progress Monitoring

Visualize trends, patterns, and improvements to make data-driven decisions and optimize meeting efficiency.

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Negative Effects of Excessive Meetings

  Costs associated with meetings add up, straining budgets and reducing profitability.

  Employee morale suffers as valuable time is wasted in unproductive discussions.

  Attention is diverted from essential tasks.

Discover the remarkable benefits of reducing meetings

Save Time & Costs

Spend less time in irrelevant meetings and more time on productive work.

Enhance Productivity

Get more work done by reducing task switching and allowing your team to focus on their goals.

Increase Job Satisfaction

Optimized meetings promote impactful interactions.

Harvard Business Review
"Research shows that about 70% of all meetings keep employees from working and completing all their tasks."
McKinsey & Company
"80 percent of executives were considering or already implementing changes in meeting structure"
“A typical 30 minute endeavor with three employees can run from $700 up to $1,600.”
“If you have 100 people in meetings, that amounts to almost a quarter of a million dollars per week”

Unlock the Magic of Meeting Efficiency

Unlock the Magic of Meeting Efficiency

Make Your Workplace a Better Place

Take the first step towards a more efficient work environment and maximize your team's success and well-being.

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